Bringing Back the Beaver

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With Derek Gow, freelance ecologist who has worked with beavers in Britain for over 20 years.

Learn from Derek Gow, author of 'Bring Back the Beaver' about what this humble creature can offer our waterways and landscapes in the UK.

Derek will explore and share how the beaver can impact and change river dynamics, how their existence can help rewilding rivers, support a reduction in flooding, and increase in biodiversity.

About Derek Gow

Author of "Bringing Back The Beaver"

Derek Gow is a farmer and nature conservationist. Born in Dundee in 1965, he left school when he was 17 and worked in agriculture for five years. Inspired by the writing of Gerald Durrell, all of whose books he has read – thoroughly – he jumped at the chance to manage a European wildlife park in central Scotland in the late 1990s before moving on to develop two nature centres in England. He now lives with his children, Maysie and Kyle, on a 300-acre farm on the Devon/Cornwall border which he is in the process of rewilding. Derek has played a significant role in the reintroduction of the Eurasian beaver, the water vole and the white stork in England. He is currently working on a reintroduction project for the wildcat

Other videos in the Stour Valley Park Talk Series include:

Rewilding Rivers

Water Quality and The Power of Plants

Regenerative Agriculture and Trees

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